class NetworkedUnityObject (Niantic.ARDK.Networking.HLAPI.Object.Unity.NetworkedUnityObject)


A MonoBehaviour that provides replication details for a prefab/scene object. Handles details such as valid destructors, authority, and network groups for each networked object. More…

class NetworkedUnityObject:
    ISerializationCallbackReceiver {
    // properties

    AuthBehaviour Auth;
    NetworkedBehaviour DefaultBehaviour;
    INetworkGroup?? Group;
    NetworkId Id;
    IMultipeerNetworking Networking;
    NetworkId PrefabId;
    IPeer SpawningPeer;
    bool WasSpawnedByMe;

    // methods

    void Initialize();
    bool IsDestructionAuthorizedPeer(IPeer peer);
    void OnAfterDeserialize();
    void OnBeforeSerialize();

Detailed Documentation

A MonoBehaviour that provides replication details for a prefab/scene object. Handles details such as valid destructors, authority, and network groups for each networked object.

An object with this component needs to stay alive for at least one frame after Awake, or else CallbackQueue will have a null reference to the object.


AuthBehaviour Auth

The AuthBehaviour that handles this object

NetworkedBehaviour DefaultBehaviour

The NetworkedBehaviour that determines the behaviour of the NetworkedUnityObject

INetworkGroup?? Group

The networking group that corresponds to this object, handled by the UnitySceneNetworkMaster

NetworkId Id

An Id that represents the instance of the object, shared between all peers in the session

IMultipeerNetworking Networking

The networking instance that this object is tied to

NetworkId PrefabId

An Id that represents the prefab, shared between all builds of the scene

IPeer SpawningPeer

The peer that network spawned this object, will be null if not network spawned

bool WasSpawnedByMe

Whether or not the object was spawned by the local peer


void Initialize()

Initializes the NetworkedUnityObject and all NetworkedBehaviours on the object

bool IsDestructionAuthorizedPeer(IPeer peer)

Determines if a peer has the right to destroy an object



The peer that would like to destroy the object


Whether or not the peer can destroy this object